Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Scripture Tuesday: Mindset

The only human ever not guilty of focusing on earthly things would be Jesus himself. It's impossible not to think of earthly things, because we live here and it's all we know! Not to mention we are human and it's our nature. We need to reach a relationship with God where he is the first thing that crosses our mind in the morning and the last thing at night. We have to find time to spend with God during the day, praying and reading his word. We wouldn't go all day without speaking to our husband, children, or friends would we? (Well, us military wives would with our husbands unfortunately, but it's not our choice) Why should it be any different with God, and why do we give him last place? I want to be that person so close and hidden with God that you can see it all over me (his joy and love for everyone)...yes, most of you are probably thinking, yeah right Christian you aren't even close! When we gave our life to Christ, we gave up ourselves completely. We are his now, so we should represent him in everything we do and think. Our relationship with God is going to be work, every relationship is. BUT, that is what makes it so amazing when you finally get past that rough patch and experience an even deeper love than you did before!

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