Monday, November 12, 2012

So I've started a blog!

As you can see I've decided to start a blog! There are alot of reasons I decided to, one being I want to keep up with Conner's milestones and what's going on in my life (I can make a book from it). Secondly, I plan to do a weekly scripture and write about how it relates to my life...I've been needing more motivation to read the bible, so what better excuse than to blog about it :)  Also, we have family and friends that live far away and anyone that knows me is aware I'm horrible about calling people (oops). I could go on about reasons, but those are just a few!  Here are some topics I plan on posting about:

    >  My husband, son, family, and friends...of course that would be expected :)
    >  My life as a military wife. Struggles we go through but also the perks of the lifestyle.
    >  Weekly devotionals and how God is moving in my life.
    >   I have a passion for photography, so I'm sure I'll be sharing plenty of my pics with you guys.
    >   Recipes/ crafts/anything else that comes to mind

    So, with all of that said, here is a pic of my little family!

    The loves of my life...My husband, Mark, and our baby boy Conner (7months)

    Hopefully I won't bore you guys with my posts and you'll enjoy reading about my journey...lots of posts to come, so keep in check!

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